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Leslie Cheung over 7 years ago

占士曼高再度執導狼人新一集電影-盧根曉治積曼最後一次飾演主角盧根/狼人,柏德烈史釗活亦再度演出 X 博士一角。

Set in the future, Logan and Professor Charles Xavier must cope with the loss of the X-Men when a corporation led by Nathaniel Essex is destroying the world leaving it to destruction, with Logan's healing abilities slowly fading away and Xavier's Alzheimer's forcing him to forget. Logan must defeat Nathaniel Essex with the help of a young girl named Laura Kinney, a female clone of Wolverine.

盧根及 X 博士要面對沒有變種特工的未來,而且由 Nathaniel Essex 帶領的企業將世界推向毀滅邊緣。同時間,盧根的癒合能力正逐漸消失,X 博士患上老年癡呆症逐步失去記憶。盧根必須聯同他的複製人少女 Laura Kinney 打倒 Nathaniel Essex。



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