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西部世界 S3 最新劇照及劇集標題簡介公開

<strong><em>西部世界</em></strong> S3 最新劇照及劇集標題簡介公開

Leslie Cheung about 4 years ago

還有一星期就到西部世界 S3 首播日,HBO 發佈了8張來自首兩集的新劇照,您可於我們西部世界專頁找到。另外,HBO 亦公佈了首4集的標題及簡介:

S3E1 Parce Domine
Debut date: SUNDAY, MARCH 15 (9:00-10:10 p.m. ET/PT)[香港時間:3月16日星期一 9:00 - 10:10]
If you’re stuck in a loop, try walking in a straight line.
Written by Lisa Joy & Jonathan Nolan; directed by Jonathan Nolan.

S3E2 The Winter Line
Debut date: SUNDAY, MARCH 22 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)[香港時間:3月23日星期一 9:00 - 10:10]
People put up a lot of walls. Bring a sledgehammer to your life.
Written by Matthew Pitts & Lisa Joy; directed by Richard J. Lewis.

S3E3 The Absence of Field
Debut date: SUNDAY, MARCH 29 (9:00-10:00 p.m.)[香港時間:3月30日星期一 9:00 - 10:10]
If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, don’t blame the mirror.
Written by Denise Thé; directed by Amanda Marsalis.

S3E4 The Mother of Exiles
Debut date: SUNDAY, APRIL 5 (9:00-10:10 p.m.)[香港時間:4月6日星期一 9:00 - 10:10]
The truth doesn’t always set you free.
Written by Jordan Goldberg & Lisa Joy; directed by Paul Cameron.

以放映時間來看,S3E1 及 S3E4 應該每集全長70分鐘。

HBO 還公開了一段 Evan Rachel WoodAaron Paul 訪問片段討論這個劇集系列。


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