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/ 10

Published about 10 years agoLeslie Cheung 發表


Based on Frank Miller's teased but yet-to-be-published graphic novel Xerxes, 300: Rise Of An Empire serves as a prequel, companion and sequel to Zack Snyder's 300. Although its base material is Xerxes, but the film quickly and only briefly tells the origin of Xerxes. Rather, it gives more coverage over the rise of Eva Green's character, Persian naval commander, Artemisia, and her performance steals the show. You have seen her toughen up in Casino Royale, but now you have seen her became a fierce and fearless warrior. Her admire and fighter with Sullivan Stapleton's Themistocles serve as the major plot of the story.

Director Noam Murro has executed the 300-esque stylistic fight sequences very well, and for the naval battle scenes, thanks to the post-production 3D-conversion, it was even better and much bigger in scale.

However, the narrative suffers much in order for it to serve as 300's parallel storyline. Once again, the cliff-hanger ending makes it a bit imperfect. Yet, it is still an exciting ride through the battlefield of ancient Greece.


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