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Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
  • 86minutes
  • IIB

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

Now the headmistress of a private school, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis ) is still struggling with the horrifying, 20-year-old memories of the maniacal killer Michael Myers... when he suddenly reappears with a vengeance! And this Halloween, his terror will strike a whole new generation! Laurie's rebellious son (Josh Hartnett), his girlfriend (Michelle Williams), and the school security guard (LL Cool J) will become Michael's newest victims unless Laurie can conquer her greatest fears and put evil in its place once and for all!


Molly Cartwell

Michelle Williams

Laurie Strode / Keri Tate

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jimmy Howell

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Norma Watson

Janet Leigh

John Tate

Josh Hartnett

Ronald 'Ronny' Jones

LL Cool J

More Films in the Franchise

Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers

Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers 1995

Halloween: Resurrection

Halloween: Resurrection 2002

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