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2 Young
  • 107minutes
  • IIA

Release Date

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
2 Young

Plot Synopsis

Ka Fu (Jaycee Chan) is born to a working-class family. He is happy since he has a very loving family. Natalie (Fiona Sit) grows up in a very affluent family. Her parents want her to have the best and thus have lined up a rich education for her. However, Natalie is not happy. She finds no love from her parents and they are often away on business trips. Ka Fu and Natalie are from two different worlds. They are not related in any way, but fate throws them together. Natalie accidentally falls pregnant. Ka Fu’s parents are so furious because they find their son following in their footsteps. They do not want Ka Fu to regret when he gets older. However, they are finally moved by the love of the young pair.


Nam's pop

Anthony Wong Chau Sang

Fu's pop

Eric Tsang

Hui Shiu Hung

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