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Saw II
  • 93minutes
  • III
  • 限
  • 95minutes
  • III
  • 限
  • unrated version

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

Jigsaw is back. The brilliant, disturbed mastermind who wreaked havoc is back for another round of horrifying life-or-death games. When a new murder victim is discovered with all the sings of Jigsaw's hand, Detective Eric Mattews begins a full investigation and apprehends Jigsaw with little effort. But for Jigsaw, getting caught is just another part of his nefarious plan. Eight more of his victims are already fighting for their lives - and now it's time for Mason to join the game.


Darren Lynn Bousman


Jigsaw / John Kramer

Tobin Bell

Amanda Young

Shawnee Smith

More Films in the Franchise


Saw 2004


Saw III 2006

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