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Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno
  • 102minutes

Original Title
L'enfer D'Henri-Georges Clouzot

Hong Kong Title
Henri-Georges Clouzot's Inferno

Plot Synopsis

Often compared to Hitchcock, French auteur Henri-Georges Clouzot is known for meticulous, clockwork thrillers such as Diabolique and The Wages Of Fear. In 1964, Clouzot attempted a psychedelic tour de force with L'Enfer, starring the sexy Austrian starlet Romy Schneider. But the production itself soon became a nightmare, and the film was abandoned. Four decades later, Clouzot's widow gives the world its first glimpse of the original raw footage - and with it, the chance to reconstruct the unfinished work of a genius.



Bérénice Bejo

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