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Date Night
  • 88minutes
  • IIB
  • C
  • 101minutes
  • IIB
  • C
  • extended version

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

Phil (Steve Carell) and Claire Foster (Tina Fey) are a sensible, loving couple with two kids and a house in suburban New Jersey. The Fosters have their weekly "date night" - an attempt at re-experiencing the spice of the dates of yesteryear, involving the same weekly night out at the local Teaneck Tavern. Their conversations quickly drift from barely-date talk to the same chore-chat they have at the dinner table at home. Exhausted from their jobs and kids, their dates rarely end in fore- or any other kind of play, let alone romance.


Mila Kunis

Brad Sullivan

Mark Ruffalo

Phil Foster

Steve Carell

Haley Sullivan

Kristen Wiig

Claire Foster

Tina Fey


Mark Wahlberg




Leighton Meester


James Franco


Gal Gadot

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