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The Expendables
  • 103minutes
  • IIB
  • C
  • 113minutes
  • IIB
  • C
  • extended director's cut

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

A team of highly-trained, dangerous mercenaries are sent on a mission to a South American country, with the objective to overturn a cold-blooded dictator in charge. As the mission begins, the mercenaries discover that the situation is not as it appears. The men find themselves trapped in a deadly game of deception, with a traitor amongst their ranks.


Sylvester Stallone


Barney 'The Schizo' Ross

Sylvester Stallone

Lee Christmas

Jason Statham

Ying Yang

Jet Li

Gunner Jensen

Dolph Lundgren


Mickey Rourke


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Mr. Church

Bruce Willis

More Films in the Franchise

The Expendables 2

The Expendables 2 2012

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