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Memoirs Of A Murderer
  • 118minutes
  • IIB
  • 輔15

Release Date

Original Title
22年目の告白 -私が殺人犯です-

Hong Kong Title
Memoirs Of A Murderer

Plot Synopsis

In 1995, five serial murder cases took place. Wataru Makimura took charge of the murder cases and tried to catch the serial killer. Due to the killer's trap, Wataru Makimura's superior was killed. The serial murder case has been unsolved to this date. 22 years later, a murder memoir Watashi ga Satsujinhan desu (I am a Murderer) is published. The author describes himself as the killer responsible for the five unsolved serial murder cases. The author, Masato Sonezaki, has an attractive appearance and appears at a press conference for his newly published book.


Tatsuya Fujiwara

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