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Olympus Has Fallen
  • 119minutes
  • IIB
  • C

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

Mike Banning, U.S. Secret Service, manages to save President Asher's life but loses the First Lady in a car accident. Banning takes the blame and pulls himself from the Presidential detail and works at the US Treasury.

July 5th, President Asher goes into a meeting with Minister Lee of South Korea, flanked by his head of security Kang. An unidentified aircraft approaches the White House. The Secret Service rushes Asher, his cabinet, and Minister Lee to the President's Bunker. An aerial and ground attack destroys the White House and Kang steps up as the leader of the operation.

Kang demands that the U.S. withdraw their fleets from South Korea or he will kill Asher and his entire office. Then, one by one, Kang threatens to kill the President's cabinet if they do not give him their Cerberus Codes, which will result in nuclear holocaust for America.

Banning rushes to the White House, saving civilians and killing Kang's commandos along the way. The Pentagon is out of time and agrees to Kang's demands. As the only hope on the spot, Banning has to survive all those ferocious battles against the sinister enemies and shut down the launched Cerberus.


Mike Banning

Gerard Butler

President Benjamin Asher

Aaron Eckhart

Speaker Trumbull

Morgan Freeman

Secreatary of Defense Ruth McMillan

Melissa Leo

General Edward Clegg

Robert Forster

Margaret Asher

Ashley Judd

More Films in the Franchise

London Has Fallen

London Has Fallen 2015

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