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Hacksaw Ridge
  • 139minutes
  • IIB

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

In the Spring of 1945 - as the war in the Pacific entered its final, most deadly days, and U.S. forces in Okinawa encountered some of the most ferocious fighting ever witnessed - a single solider stood out from the rest. This was Desmond T. Doss, a conscientious objector, who despite vowing to never kill, served boldly as an unarmed medic in the infantry... and went on to single-handedly save the lives of dozens of his fallen fellow soldiers under lethal fire without firing a single bullet.


Mel Gibson


Dorothy Schutte

Teresa Palmer

Tom Doss

Hugo Weaving

Desmond T. Doss

Andrew Garfield

Captain Glover

Sam Worthington

Sergeant Howell

Vince Vaughn

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