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Yoga Hosers
  • 88minutes

Plot Synopsis

Colleen and Colleen are BFFs AF. Manitoba is where they go to school together, do yoga together, play in a band together, and work together at a boring convenience store. Life is whatevs, but also on fleek. That's kinda what being 15 and a half is all about. #RealTalk

So when two older guys invite the Colleens to a senior party, the girls are determined to go no matter what - even if that "what" is a terrible, secret evil that threatens to destroy everything decent and polite about Canada. Can Colleen and Colleen save the day and go viral? Will those senior boys prove squad-worthy?


Kevin Smith


Colleen Collette

Lily-Rose Depp

Yogi Bayer

Justin Long

Ms. Maurice

Vanessa Paradis

Guy Lapointe

Johnny Depp

The Bratzis

Kevin Smith


Stan Lee

More Films in the Franchise


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