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  • 99minutes
  • I
  • 普

Release Date

Original Title

Hong Kong Title

Plot Synopsis

Ms Tsui (Jo Koo) is a music teacher in a special education needs (SEN) school, who is not able to switch to a mainstream school due to stereotyping and labelling; Zoey (Jennifer Yu) is an underachiever from a Band 1 school, who is struggling for the coming public examination; Ka Ho (Kaki Sham) is a rebellious teenager from a Band 3 school, who idles away his time and doesn't care about his handicapped little brother... When being assigned to helm a musical performance, Ms Tsui has to bite the bullet while juggling between work and personal issues; for the sake of earning higher school credit, Zoey volunteers in an extracurricular musical; to avoid being expelled, Ka Ho has no choice but to attend a musical in a SEN school. Three individuals take part in a musical they deem worthless for their own purposes, which turns out to be a journey of self-discovery towards their dreams and goals.


Ka-ho's Granny

Chan Lai-Wun

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