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Jan Dara: The Beginning
  • 136minutes
  • III

Release Date

Original Title
จันดารา ปฐมบท

Hong Kong Title
Jan Dara: The Beginning

Plot Synopsis

The lifelong tragedy of Jan Dara (Mario Maurer) begins the moment he was born. The year is 1915, a mother dies giving birth to her son. The boy is Jan Dara, and his father believes that the child is the reason for the death of his dear wife. He curses the boy and vows to punish him with utmost severity. The name Jan is given to the boy, a short form Jan Rai - or The Scum.

The dark and disturbing secret is that the House is a playground of sexual excess. The master of the house, Jan's father, is a man obsessed with carnal pleasure. Fornication is his sport and routine, he would perform sexual acts of different variety with any female in the house any time he wants.

Jan Dara grows up in the giddy atmosphere of erotic indulgence, and soon he begins to seek pleasure of his own. And the situation gets more complicated when Wisnan brings another woman into the house: a graceful, progressive woman who was Wisnan's former lover and who will soon become involved with young Jan in a psychologically and physically complex way.


More Films in the Franchise

Jan Dara 2: The Finale

Jan Dara 2: The Finale 2013

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