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Drink, Drank, Drunk
  • 93minutes
  • IIA

Release Date

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Drink, Drank, Drunk

Plot Synopsis

Alan (Carlos Chan) is a rich kid looking forward to a busy 24 hours: his birthday celebration tonight and attending court as witness in a criminal trial the next morning. Gal pal Wendy (Michelle Wai) gets things rolling with plans for a night of non-stop partying. Alan's lawyer knows his client's unreliability, so he pressures Alan's dependable chum Chris (Ken Hung) to tag along. Chris's friend Sam (Deep Ng), an entrepreneur eager to do business with Alan's crowd, also joins in for fun and profit.As they make the rounds, Alan gets increasingly plastered while searching for his latest infatuation, Ayaka. By sunrise, he's hardly in condition to testify and even the hangover-curing skills of bartender Cherry (Kathy Yuen) prove ineffective. As the deadline looms, another solution is sought. In the process, the guys discover their twilight craziness provided each with a new self-perspective that has intangibly changed their lives.

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