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Tropic Thunder
  • 107minutes
  • III
  • 121minutes
  • III
  • unrated version

Release Date


Ben Stiller


Tugg Speedman - Hot LZ

Ben Stiller

Les Grossman - Grossman's Office

Tom Cruise

Studio Executive Rob Slolom - Vietnam Crew

Bill Hader

Jeff Portnoy

Jack Black

Kirk Lazarus - Hot LZ

Robert Downey, Jr.

Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew

Nick Nolte

Herself - The Tyra Banks Show

Tyra Banks

Rick Peck - Peck's Office

Matthew McConaughey

Himself - Awards Ceremony

Jon Voight

Herself - Awards Ceremony

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Himself - Awards Ceremony

Jason Bateman

Herself - Awards Ceremony

Alicia Silverstone


Tobey Maguire

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