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13 Semester
  • 102minutes
  • IIB

Plot Synopsis

From the sticks to freedom: the study of business mathematics brings Momo and his friend Dirk from Brandenburg to Darmstadt Polytech and into the whirl of student life. While Dirk doesn't waste a minute before diving into the lectures, homework and seminars, Momo is so unprepared that he gets thrown out of his study group. He couldn't care less about the early bird. He'd rather set his own tempo together with his flatmate Bernd: partying with vodka & apple juice, skipping school to go for a swim, or gushing about his dream girl Kerstin. Finally, he wipes himself out financially by investing in a hyper-inflated business deal. Deep depression and self-questioning take the place of his youthful cockiness: What do I really want? What am I doing here? How long will this go on?

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