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  • 138minutes
  • IIB

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

Sentinels swarm. Smith clones. Neo flies... but perhaps not even a Chosen One gifted with astonishing new powers can stop the advance of the Machines.

Neo, Morpheus, Trinity. They're back for the powerful second chapter of The Matrix trilogy, and exciting new allies join them in the struggle against foes who are cloned, upgraded and closing in on humanity's last enclave.

What is The Matrix? The question is not yet fully answered. And it leads to another: who created The Matrix? The answers lead to more worlds of bold possibility - and to a destiny that passes from revelations to Revolutions.


Lilly Wachowski

Lana Wachowski



Keanu Reeves


Monica Bellucci


Carrie-Anne Moss

Agent Smith

Hugo Weaving


Laurence Fishburne

The Oracle

Gloria Foster


Jada Pinkett Smith

More Films in the Franchise

The Matrix

The Matrix 1999

The Matrix Revolutions

The Matrix Revolutions 2003

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