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  • 141minutes
  • III
  • D
  • 輔15

Release Date

Plot Synopsis

Poor Things is the tale of the fantastical evolution of Bella Baxter (Emma Stone), a young woman brought back to life by the brilliant and unorthodox scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter (Willem Dafoe). Under Baxter’s protection, Bella is eager to learn. Hungry for the worldliness she is lacking, Bella runs off with Duncan Wedderburn (Mark Ruffalo), a slick and debauched lawyer, on a whirlwind adventure across the continents. Free from the prejudices of her times, Bella grows steadfast in her purpose to stand for equality and liberation.


Yorgos Lanthimos


Bella Baxter

Emma Stone

Dr. Godwin Baxter

Willem Dafoe

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