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  • 104minutes
  • IIB
  • C
  • 輔12

Release Date

Original Title
鬼太郎誕生 ゲゲゲの謎

Hong Kong Title
The Birth Of Kitaro: The Mystery Of GeGeGe

Plot Synopsis

When Kitaro and Eyeball Dad enter the abandoned village named Nagura, Eyeball Dad recalls an event that took place 70 years ago. In 1956, Nagura Village was under the control of the powerful Ryoga clan, which secretly manipulated the nation’s politics and finances. Mizuki, an employee of a blood bank, carried a secret mission as he mourned the death of the clan’s leader, Tokisada. Meanwhile, Kitaro’s father also entered the village in search of his wife. They soon discovered that a bitter struggle for the position of Tokisada’s successor had begun within the Ryoga clan. Amidst this turmoil, a member of the clan was brutally murdered at the village shrine. This marked the beginning of a horrifying chain of supernatural events.

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